Sunday, April 23, 2006

BVBID Chapel now being podcast!

Now you can listen to BVBID chapel sermons, presentations and seminars through Apple’s iTunes music software.

The Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver is now “podcasting” its Chapel services through Apple’s iTunes (or any other “podcatching” software (such as iPodder, etc.). Simply download the free software (for both PC and Mac computers) from Apple’s website ( and search under PODCASTS for BVBID. Once located, you can subscribe to the audio program free of charge. Then, each time you start iTunes, the software will automatically check for the latest program and download it for you. Once downloaded, you can listen to it on your computer anytime, or sync it with your portable MP3 player and listen on the go. You don’t have to keep checking to see if you have the newest files, the software does it for you.

What is podcasting?
Podcasting is a word that has been coined by combining “iPod,” Apple’s brand name of portable MP3 audio player, with “broadcasting.” Unfortunately, this term suggests that you need an iPod to subscribe and listen to podcasts which you don’t! Any computer with the right software can subscribe to and play podcasts! Many people are equating podcasting with TiVO, only for radio rather than television. This technology puts you in control of what you listen to, when and where.

What will we be podcasting?
BVBID plans to podcast most sermons, special events and presentations held in chapel. Occasionally we plan to podcast Bible classes taught by our faculty and staff. As time goes on we may plan to do more and more with this technology. If you have any questions about this technology please fell free to contact me at

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